How do you know your steroids are high quality in Australia?
How often have you heard at work ‘safety is our number one priority!’ What a load of BS, do you know what trumps Safety in any industry? Quality! Simply put Quality is Safety on steroids.
Think about it, if a product is made with piss poor quality then it poses a massive safety risk & can cripple a business.
For example: Say a company made poor quality airbags that were installed in half a million Australian cars that randomly exploded, killing dozens of people & injuring hundreds more. Making poor quality products like that would bring a business to its knees (google Takata recall 😣 )
I guess my point here is that quality is extremely important in any industry. When it comes to Australian Under Ground Labs (UGL’s) the quality of their products will make/break their brand & reputation.

With regards to steroid quality there are 3 main factors that underline if the product is ‘good quality’-
- The Steroid has been produced & stored in a way that makes it safe for a human administration (i.e.- made in a sterile environment with sterile utensils & quality raw materials. Contained in clean/sterile vials/containers & stored in a clean environment)
- The Steroid is the correct compound
- The Steroid is the correct dosage
Now there are plenty of Gym-Bros that will claim they can tell the quality of a steroids just from looking at it 🤦🏻♂️

Lets be real here, if you want to know your steroids are high quality in Australia you have a few methods at hand. Not all methods are equal though so for simplicity I’ve listed them from most effective to shit-house 💩
Checking the Quality of your Steroids in Australia-
1- HPLC Testing (the gold standard) 👌
High-Pressure Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) is a method used to quantify, identify and isolate the components of non-volatile liquid mixtures. In layman terms a very smart man in a white coat will introduce a sample of a steroid into a very smart machine which will then do its thing and tell you the exact compound/s and dosage/s.

This is seen as the gold standard of testing the quality of steroids in the community. Any steroid supplier in Australia worth their weight will be open to having their products lab tested.
For peace of mind I do have a HPLC offer that any customer can take me up on-
AusPharmacy HPLC Testing Offer- The offer is full reimbursement of the cost of testing lab costs + shipping costs + $100 store credit for each product tested.
Recommended HPLC Lab–
*If you’d like to take advantage of this offer please email me over at- [email protected]
2- Blood Work 👍
Ok so I’m going to start this one by pointing out that blood work is extremely important & some what complicated. Its for this reason that I’m only breezing over it here & intend to do many detailed articles on it in the near future.
In the context of steroid quality users will typically have their blood work taken on cycle & expect to see changes in certain markers compared to their baseline blood work taken pre-cycle-
- Total & Free Testosterone- Should be elevated when running high Testosterone
- LH & FSH – Should be VERY low or 0 when running high levels of androgens due to being suppressed
- Estrogen – Should be elevated with running compounds that aromitise
As you can see you can get indicators with regards to quality but it’s nothing on a HPLC.
Zac’s Pro Tip- If you do not have a trusted doctor who will assist you with blood work then you can order private blood work through imedical here
3- Third Party Reviews 👍
How awesome is the internet? You can pretty much find any type of forum where people are united by a common interest.
The largest forum for steroids in Australia is the BS Board. This amazing community provides a great place for steroid users & enthusiast to come together and discuss anything steroid /PED related.
With-in this forum is a review section where users from around the nation will share user reviews, blood work & HPLC testing results.
I highly recommend you visit the forum and see our latest customer reviews, you can find the BS Board here
4- At home steroid testing kits 💩
For a few hundred dollars you can get your own at home steroid testing kit.
On face value these testing kits look like the holy grail for quality testing, sadly these cheap test are not very accurate. When you take into account injectable steroids can use different carrier oils & oral steroids use different filling agents it makes it impossible for these tests to be accurate.
A quick review of any steroid forum will show you that the general consensus is that these testing kits are garbage. I’ve tried these kits many times with great disappointment, the last one I ran had Anavar come up as Tren 🤦🏻♂️
But hey a broken clock is right twice a day!

5– Feelings & Side Effects 💩
Users who have had decades of experience will often gauge the quality of a product from how they are feeling when running said compound. Whilst I can agree that some of these experienced users can gauge a compound it’s not very scientific and for the most part not very reliable.
Furthermore when some gym-bros see people doing this they get a big head and proceed to exert confidence that they can do the same…….
Also we see steroid users trying to gauge the quality of their steroids based on if side effects are present (such as water retention, pumps, sweating, sleeping disturbances etc). What you need to understand here is that you can run the exact same cycle twice where the first time you have side effects and the second time you don’t. Our bodies are very complex and it’s not as simple as A + B = C. Hence why gauging the quality of steroids based on ‘sides’ is shitty at best.
Just to recap here are the 5 methods we’ve explored for gauging the quality of steroids in Australia & their rating-
- HPLC – Excellent
- Blood Work – Good
- Third Party Reviews = Good
- At Home Steroid Testing Kits = Shithouse
- Feelings & Side Effects = Shithouse
If at any point during these articles you’re unsure of something or need some further clarification please reach out. Also feel free to reach out if you’d like assistance to buy steroids or PED’s in Australia from a domestic source. You’ve come to the right place, I’m the top choice for steroids in Australia for a reason!
As always I’m (Zac) just an email away & I want to help you achieve your ideal physique – [email protected]
Peace out fam ✌️
Zac – [email protected]
-Domestic Steroids & Pharma Meds Australia
‘Your only competition is yourself, be better than you were yesterday’