Why Oral Only Cycles Don’t Stack Up
When it comes to steroids, there are a lot of different options out there.
And while some guys may swear by oral-only cycles, I’m here to tell you that they just don’t stack up against injectable cycles!
First of all, let’s talk about the elephant in the room: oral steroids are way more convenient. I mean, who wants to stick needles in themselves when they can just pop a pill? But here’s the thing: just because something is more convenient doesn’t mean it’s better. In fact, in this case, the convenience of oral steroids comes at a pretty big cost.
See, oral steroids are metabolized differently than injectable steroids. They’re processed through the liver, which can cause all sorts of problems.
Health conditions such as high liver enzyme & jaundice are just some of the potential side effects of long-term oral steroid use. This is why oral steroids tend to be used for very short spans (typically 6ish weeks) and in conjunction with injectables.
Injectable steroids, on the other hand, bypass the liver entirely. That means they’re less toxic and less likely to cause any serious health problems. And while sticking a needle in yourself may not sound like the most pleasant thing in the world, the benefits of injectable steroids far outweigh the inconvenience.
But it’s not just the health risks that make oral-only cycles suck. Injectable steroids are also way more effective. Because they’re not metabolized by the liver, more of the steroid actually makes it into your bloodstream. That means you’ll get better results from an injectable cycle than an oral-only cycle!
Now, I know some of you may be thinking, “But wait, I’ve heard that oral steroids are more powerful than injectable steroids.” And yeah, that’s true (kinda). But it’s not because oral steroids are inherently more powerful – it’s because they’re more concentrated.
You see, oral steroids have to be made in a more concentrated form so that they can be absorbed by the body. But that doesn’t make them more effective.
Additionally taking an oral only cycle will impede your natural Testosterone production. So if your going to shut yourself down (even partially) where you need a Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) you might as well use injectables and get decent gainz!
So, let’s sum it up: oral-only cycles are convenient, but they’re not worth the risk to your health. Injectable cycles may be a little more inconvenient, but they’re more effective and less toxic.
And let’s be real, if you’re serious about building muscle and getting stronger, a little inconvenience is a small price to pay.And if you’re not willing to stick a needle in yourself, then you’re not serious about building muscle.
To get more comfortable with needles be on the look out for my article on injecting! Also remember, don’t be a needle-phobic, be a needle-knowledgable.
Injectable steroids are the real deal, and oral-only cycles are just a cheap knockoff. Don’t settle for less, go for the gold standard and always do your research before making any decision regarding steroids use in Australia.
If at any point during these articles you’re unsure of something or need some further clarification please reach out. Also feel free to reach out if you’d like assistance to buy steroids or PED’s in Australia from a domestic source. You’ve come to the right place, I’m the top choice for steroids in Australia for a reason!
As always I’m (Zac) just an email away & I want to help you achieve your ideal physique – [email protected]
Peace out fam ✌️
Zac – [email protected]
-Domestic Steroids & Pharma Meds Australia
‘Your only competition is yourself, be better than you were yesterday’